
(902) 370-9355


Opening Days

Monday - Friday

Fire Cupping

Fire cupping has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years as an adjunct to acupuncture. It was also used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It helps balance and restore the flow of the body’s internal energy.

How Does it Work?

Fire cupping improves circulation by applying varying degrees of suction to the skin and underlying tissue, which promotes increased blood flow and healing in targeted areas. This allows the body to speed up the recycling of lymphatic fluid and the natural waste products accumulated in these areas.

Fire Cupping Procedure

  1. A cotton ball is dipped into a small amount of alcohol, ignited, and placed inside a round glass cup.
  2. The flaming cotton ball is briefly held with forceps inside the cup.
  3. The fire and heat remove the air from the cup, creating the vacuum/suction.
  4. The practitioner checks the temperature of the cup by periodically placing it on their inner forearm before placing it on the client.
  5. The cups are placed on the body.
  6. Certain techniques, such as sliding, use massage oil so the cup can be pulled and manipulated while on the body, pulling up the fascia as it moves along the skin.

What is Fire Cupping Used for?

Fire cupping is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat many conditions, including:

  • Pain in the limbs, chronic and acute back and neck pain (i.e., cervical spondylosis)
  • Post-partum lower back pain
  • High cholesterol
  • Migraines
  • Arthritis
  • Stress and inflammation

Book with Erin Lewis today for an initial assessment to discuss fire cupping.

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