
(902) 370-9355


Opening Days

Monday - Friday

Functional Movement Screen

Proper fundamental movement patterns are the building blocks on which all movement, training and athletic performances are based. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a grading system of fundamental movement patterns. The FMS screens seven movement patterns such as squatting, lunging, hurdle step, and shoulder mobility that are keys to normal function. An individual is screened to ensure their movement patterns fall into a normal range. They receive a score out of twenty one with the goal being at least fourteen without any asymmetries (side to side differences). Once identified, faulty movement patterns are examined and specific exercises are prescribed to address the deficiency.

Benefits of an FMS:

– Improves performance
– Prevents injuries
– Maximizes training benefit
– Ensures training program is not hampering movement
– Maximizes your potential

Repeated activities, previous injuries, and learned movements can all lead to muscle tightness, joint restrictions, and impaired movement patterns. The body will move through the path of least resistance sparing the tight and restricted areas and overusing and damaging the other areas. Improved movement patterns will make daily activities easier and increase your quality of life.