
(902) 370-9355


Opening Days

Monday - Friday

Colin successfully completed a comprehensive four-week program in Sept 2012 that provided him with intensive training in orthopaedic manual therapy. The primary aim of the program was to integrate joint, muscle, and neural tissue based manual therapy concepts to provide a more functional and complete approach to the management of a range of neuromuscular conditions. The program integrated a variety of manual therapy concepts for the spine, sacroiliac joints, hip, knee and shoulder developed by many different manual therapists.

Evidence based practice was a strong theme of the course. Colin was taught skills and techniques that enhance efficient and effective physical examination and treatment of a wide range of clinical presentations.

As a result of receiving his certificate in manual therapy Colin:

-Is proficient in applying spinal, shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle, joint, neural and muscle examination procedures.
-Is proficient in determining a differential diagnosis based on an integrated examination of the joint, muscle and neural systems.
-Is able to formulate the most appropriate and effective manual therapy management program suitable for the assessed condition.
-Is proficient in applying an appropriate manual therapy treatment strategy incorporating manual treatment techniques and specific exercises
-Has a clear understanding of pain mechanisms, their clinical relevance, appropriate measures to address complex chronic pain disorders and the neurophysiological basis for pain relief by manual therapy.

Colin is excited to use his new skills, combined with his previous experience and training, to help get patients pain free and moving better.

Foot Diagram

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